Blue Bird
I gave up my bacon this morning for a little bird in a distressful situation!
One of my cats (Hershey) caught a Eastern Bluebird, and as I walked out my door, I heard its screech for help. I immediately went to its rescue. It was no easy task. Hershey did not want to give up, but neither would I! I chased Hershey from one side of the yard to the other with the bird flapping its wings as Hersey tightly gripped it in her mouth. The bird was almost as big as Hershey.
My dogs, Bear and Callie, sat on the sidelines watching me in my PJ’s, evidently enjoying the game they thought I was playing with the cat. If I am not mistaken, I think I heard them snickering. Or was that one of my neighbors?
The moment finally came, and the bird was released from Hershey’s grip just long enough for it to escape. It was injured but still alive and fluttered to a nearby bush. I rushed inside to retrieve the bacon I had prepared for my breakfast and used it to entice Hershey away from the injured bird, giving it a chance for survival.
Overhead, birds flew from branch to branch, sounding the warning call of danger. I have often seen a mother bird swoop down at my cats to scare them away from their fledglings, but not one was coming to the rescue of this injured bird today. I am puzzled by their unwillingness to help. If I were a bird, I would.
Now that I have rescued the little bird from impending doom, I will go back inside to enjoy my breakfast, including the remainder of the bacon. (You know, that meat that comes from a pig.) Am I any different than my cat? The circle of life, round and round we go. At least I didn’t have to chase the pig to get the bacon.