The Strawberry Patch

The Strawberry Patch

Our family loves strawberries, especially our grandkids who enjoy watching the berries grow and then eating a sweet juicy berry straight from the vine. We have bought our share at the local grocery store. Sometimes they are sweet, sometimes sour, and then at times, there is no taste at all. There is nothing as refreshing as the juicy, sweet taste of a strawberry picked fresh from the garden. With that thought in mind, in early February of 2015, we decided to invest our time and effort in our own strawberry patch.

In late winter to early spring, we prepared the beds and planted 105 strawberry plants. After we had our tender new plants in the ground, we had a hard freeze. In preparation for the drop in temperature, we covered the plants with a heavy layer of straw.

We chose a spot with good drainage and at least 8 hours of full sun. We amended the soil to slightly acidic. While some varieties are sweeter tasting than others, most causes of sour strawberries can be attributed to less than ideal growing conditions.

The last step in the construction of the patch was protecting the fruit as it ripens. The birds have been keeping a sharp eye on the beds and without some intervention on our part, the birds will eat the harvest each day! Using PVC pipe and placing each end in the ground from one side of each row to the other, we created a hoop bed. Then, we covered the hoops with netting. The berries still get the sun they need but the birds are not enjoying the fruit of our labor! The pictures will show you the completed hoops.

In April of 2015, we picked our first delicious strawberries! I wish I could take you with me into the strawberry patch, let you smell the wonderful strawberry scent that fills the air surrounding the patch, and then enjoy the refreshing flavor of freshly picked home-grown strawberries!

The photos show you month by month changes in the patch. From preparing the strawberry bed to harvesting these juicy berries, it has been a learning process but one that has been well worth the time and effort.

This article will be updated from time to time to show the process of preparing the beds for winter and the beginning of the next growing season.

Now, I need to make a strawberry cream cake! Or just eat the berries as I pick!