Paperwhites Blooming in December

How appropriate today as I took a break from work in my office and walked through the garden behind the house, to discover paperwhites blooming. I almost missed them! Paperwhites, so delicate and beautiful, are one of my favorite flowers. They remind me of hope, the sign that even in the cold of winter, we find strength and promise of the Spring that is to follow. Soon things will begin to grow, bloom, and yield fruit for harvest.

My word for 2014 has been Hope. Within a few hours, 2014 will be history and we face a new year, new challenges. Even though the year has passed, I still cling to Hope. I think my word for 2015 is still HOPE!

We have lost family members this year so dear to our heart, faced challenges with health, and made life changes that have pricked our hearts and brought us to our knees. Yet, as we journeyed through 2014, it has been with thankfulness and gratitude for life itself. And we still hold on to Hope for our nation, our world, and those we love. We pray for peace. We yearn for no more strife and division.

To all of our loyal readers, our gift to you as we end this year is a notecard that you can print and write a note of encouragement to someone who needs hope. There is always someone facing more difficult situations than what you may be going through. When we reach out to others, it is healing to our own heart, body, and mind.  Please use the notecards to be an encourager. It is like a boomerang; it returns to you.

I am grateful to each and every one of you who visit with me on my site! You are an encourager to me! May you experience bountiful blessings in 2015. Most of all, may the unconditional, compassionate love of God be your constant companion. He is the only One who gives true Hope.

Sandi Herron




FACEBOOK COVER PICTURE (Right click on link and Save Target As…)

PAPERWHITES “THE HOPE OF WINTER” FREE PRINTABLE NOTECARD (Right click on link and Save Target As…) Notecard (2 per page). Folded size is 3.50×4.75. Card is free to use, not for resale.