Dressed and ready to camp out in one of my favorite spots, I made my way down the hallway to my office to finish an article I have worked on for several days. I set my goal to publish before this day ends.

As I walked by a window that overlooks our pasture, my eye caught sight of our horse, Whinny, in the distance grazing in the bright morning sun. On this crisp November day, as the wind gently blows and the trees sway back and forth, it is serene. I stand for a few moments, taking in the peaceful view.

As I pass through the den, I gather a few books I had been thumbing through the night before and take them back to the library. As I place them on the shelf, my eye catches sight of one of my favorite books, Deeper Still: A Woman’s Study To A Closer Walk With God by Edna Ellison. Crowded with other books on the shelf, it appears to jump out at me, pleading, “Read me!” I take the book from the shelf, walk into my office and place it on the desk next to the keyboard.

The series I am working on is “Friday Focus,” and the title of today’s article is simply “Today.” Settling into my comfy office chair, I set my cup of steaming coffee on the coaster and reach to switch on the computer. But then I stop. I feel compelled to open the book that I have read time and again and read it once more. To reach my goal, I need to focus on my article, yet, the book on my desk has my attention. I yield.

Deeper Still: A Woman's Study To A Closer Walk With God by Edna Ellison | Focus on Today

Deeper Still: A Woman’s Study To A Closer Walk With God by Edna Ellison | Focus on Today

I turn to one of my favorite chapters, and my eyes rest on the words, “one brick at a time.”

Have you ever considered that the Berlin Wall fell without bloodshed? I had not thought of it until I read the chapter on “Outrageous Prayers.” Edna Ellison gives an account of the prayers of thousands of Berlin Christians who prayed day and night for guidance for the dismantling of a wall that stood for decades.  The thousands of prayer warriors became more than five million quietly praying. The result? The wall came down.

Earlier in a conversation with a friend, we discussed challenges we face and, seemingly, insurmountable obstacles. We both admitted that, at times, we feel beaten down because of our failures and are not sure how to pray. At the end of our talk, we concluded that this is Today. We will focus on this day only; yesterday is over and done. We will continue to pray those “Outrageous Prayers” and see God move one brick at a time!

There are many types of roles we fill in our lives from being a parent, sibling, caregiver, co-worker, business owner, community leader, and so much more. Whatever our role may be, it will be easier if we focus on what is in front of us, leave yesterday’s failures behind, and develop a type of prayer life that includes Outrageous Prayers. We will see mountains crumble before us, obstacles pushed aside, and the wall of bricks come tumbling down.

Through a conversation with a friend and then reading an inspirational book, the pieces of my puzzle came together today. This only happened when I stepped outside my plans and let God direct my steps.

My article? What I wrote is not what I planned, but it is God’s perfect plan. And what I want is to follow God’s plan in every area of my life.

Psalm 139 is my life verse. In this Psalm, David expresses in such a beautiful way how God is ever-present, all-knowing, and omnipotent. In my limited understanding, it is with faith I exclaim with the Psalmist David,  “Oh Lord, before I was formed in my mother’s womb, You knew me!”  Before I speak, He knows what I think, feel and what I am about to say before the words leave my lips. When I rest on my bed at night, He is my loving Father who is watching and protecting.

When I focus on what God wants for my life, submitting to His Will and plans, then one brick at a time, He tears down the walls of my “will,” and rebuilds with His perfect design.

Psalm 139:1-6 (NIV)

1 You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.
3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.
4 Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.
5 You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.

Edna Ellison, Author and Mentor

Our featured author is Edna Ellison, well-known author of 37 books, founder of The Beautiful Hat Society, and known as the Guru of Christian Mentoring.

I met Edna at a Writer’s Conference a few years ago in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where she was the keynote speaker.  I enjoyed her as the keynote speaker, but most of all, meeting her was a connection that was God designed.

Last summer, I was blessed to have Edna in my home for lunch and a special time of visiting and encouragement. She was so gracious with my two young granddaughters and, especially Katie, who seemed to ask a thousand questions about becoming an author. Like me, they connected with her immediately.  After lunch, Katie and Taylor took Edna on a tour through our gardens. I enjoyed watching my two girls explain the garden art, types of flowers, and the pride they expressed when showing their handiwork in the garden rooms they had designed. When it was time for her to leave, my girls did not want to see her go. Neither did I!

As I stood watching my friend drive away, I whispered, “God, you showed me so much love through Edna Ellison.” Should that not be the prayer for all of us that we impact lives in such a way that people around us feel loved by God? It is my prayer to be an encourager to all those I meet.

Katie and Taylor often speak of the visit with Edna and look forward to another time to sit and talk with this wonderful lady who relates to all ages. You have the opportunity to get to know Edna Ellison by visiting her website at ednaellison.net. Take a look at the books she has authored; you will be adding her books to your favorite list, too!