Bear and Callie were hanging out today under the desk in my office while I worked (struggled is a better word!) on an article for an upcoming magazine. Bear is not feeling so well, so Callie is staying right by his side. She even put her favorite (ragged, worn out) tennis ball right at his nose just in case he wants to play.

I have labeled these photos: EVERYONE needs an afternoon nap, EVERYONE needs a helping hand, EVERYONE needs a faithful friend, and EVERYONE NEEDS A TENNIS BALL.


Years ago while working for a dentist (previous life), one of my patients was an elderly lady with creamy, flawless complexion. Her clear eyes were a deep intense blue. One afternoon, while preparing her for a dental exam, her sense of peace resonated in the room, filling the space around us. The sweet essence of a peaceful life seemed to pour from her. Inquisitive, I asked her what her secret was to such beauty and contentment. Her answer was simple. Just an afternoon nap. Two o’clock each afternoon for 10 minutes. I have never forgotten her words.

But I am not a nap person. Maybe I should be. Bear certainly is! Dogs seem to understand this. Studies show that an afternoon nap, especially as we age, has valuable health benefits. An interesting article from Mayo Clinic details the benefits of napping.  Benefits of Napping


At some point in life, we may need someone to reach out to us. It’s okay. Most of our life, we find ourselves as the giver and often find it hard to be the receiver. Learn to be a gracious receiver and let others lend a helping hand occasionally. There is not a day that I can say I do not need my friends. It is not that I always need them to do something for me (like dig holes for new plants!!!), but we simply just need one another. Bear and Callie are happy to dig my holes for me; got that covered. When either Bear or Callie are having a “down” day, the other just sits by, attentive to what the other is feeling. Sometimes that is all we need to do to be a helping hand to someone. Dogs seem to understand this.


A faithful friend. We can’t go through life without one. Well, I suppose we could, but who wants to? I need my friends. Let me say that again with more emphasis. I NEED my friends. I enjoy sharing life with others. It may be simple times of sitting on the porch, enjoying the solitude of life without spoken words. Maybe even watching the birds together while sipping on a cold glass of sweet tea. Or, enjoying a Birmingham Barons baseball game and sharing a bag of peanuts with a coke! There have been times in my life when I faced the loss of someone I love, and my friends were there to soothe my broken heart. It is the times when things happen, and real friends will laugh with you and at you. Everyone needs a good friend.


Callie keeps a tennis ball by her or in her mouth constantly. Her philosophy is that a tennis ball makes everything okay. I believe chocolate works also.

Callie’s advice to all of us on our life journey is this: Don’t rush through life without playing. It may not be a tennis ball but find something to do every day that you call “play.” It may be your favorite hobby such photography, painting, sewing, cooking, running, or taking long walks through the woods. Whatever it is that brings you enjoyment and relaxation, just do it. How great it would be if we were like my dog where a tennis ball is all it takes to keep us happy! Dogs seem to understand that the simple things in life are often the best. Even an old ragged, torn tennis ball is a prized possession.

I am thankful to have been blessed with faithful friends, helping hands, and a tennis ball (thanks to Callie for the tennis ball). I am not much for afternoon naps…except on the porch. While working on the magazine article, I had to stop, get down on the floor with these two, and grab photos while I could. It is those times when we do the unexpected that will change your direction from stressful and tense to relaxed and fun.

The bottom line is this. We can go through life without a nap, a tennis ball, and maybe have our dogs dig our holes for us when needed. But what we cannot do is live our lives without a faithful friend.

Sometimes our inspiration is right at our feet!!!

Be a friend today. Find someone who needs a friend. It will change your life. And someone else’s life as well.