Moments in Time

Moments in Time

I had a wonderful day yesterday with my youngest grand. We played, played some more, had snacks, lunch, played some more,and then it was nap time (for both!). As we cuddled facing one another, I saw her sleepy eyes yield to the unwanted nap time, so I closed my...
A Tribute to My Aunt Ouida

A Tribute to My Aunt Ouida

September holds many memories for our family, both births and deaths. Today, our family grieves the loss of one of my aunts. Even though it has been some time since I saw her, the memories of my Aunt Ouida are dear and sweet. As a child, I was part of a large extended...

Creating a Legacy

Yesterday we said goodbye one of my sisters-in-law who passed away this week. We spent time with family, shared memories, and talked about the “gumbo” that she could cook like no one else! We watched a video of her life, each picture telling a story from...


Ecclesiastes 9:10 – Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom. While cleaning my office one day, I found this article about hands. It reminds me of how I felt when I held my mom’s hands...

What Really Matters

Over the last several days, I  spent valuable time with my family. First, I spent the morning with my youngest grandbaby, and then in the early afternoon, her sister, my oldest grandchild, arrived home from preschool. Together the three of us had a fun and interesting...