A sweet surprise to find on one of my photos this little bug flying through the air. Nice surprise!

A sweet surprise to find on one of my photos this little bug flying through the air. Nice surprise!

Today was a beautiful Fall day, the sun shining warmly on my face and the wind blowing ever so gently through the trees. Armed with my camera, I decided to take a walk, hoping to photograph the changes in nature around us. Fall has made its entrance, confirmed by the sound of leaves crushing beneath my feet as I walked the path through our pasture and into the woods beyond.

Along the way, I took the time to stop and photograph things that caught my attention. Perhaps the bark of a tree with moss growing around it. Or, a simple, unusual flower blooming discretely in the dried grass and leaves. I love how common weeds explode into beauty as they change into their fall colors.

Crossing over our seasonal creek, I notice the leaves falling into the water, then being swept along as the stream slowly moved on its way to nowhere. I stopped to enjoy the beauty of the reflection of the sky and the trees in the shallow water. I watched the water make its way around the rocks and roots of trees along the edge of the creek, creating a foam that resembles winter snow.

Purple flowers are growing along the side of the trail. A small insect was buzzing around from one flower to another while I was photographing. Later, I realized I had captured forever in time the tiny insect in flight!

Scanning the view ahead of me and paused briefly to stare at an untouched area where all the trees stood straight and tall, except for one. It was crooked and bent over deeply toward the ground; yet, it stood out from all the others. It had character; it was different. The place where it was bent and crooked made way for the sun to shine through the trees. The sun enhanced the color of the changing leaves with their different hues of orange, red, and brown. It was quiet and peaceful in this part of the woods.

Standing on the top of the hillside, I look back toward our home. I could see our barn with its aging tin roof, and beyond the barn was the back of our house where the renovation is taking place, and in the distance, I could hear the sound of the train passing through our small town.

Following the hillside trail, I pass some old farm equipment cast aside after years of use and now rusting in the weather.  I made a mental note to photograph the castoffs on another day.

Crossing back over the creek, I made my way around the other side of our property, Lucy, our neighbor’s donkey, greeted me.  She was curious about my camera, so I took her picture. She smiled.

When our granddaughter was old enough to enjoy walks with me through the woods, there was one tree she liked more than the others, so we named it “Katie’s Tree.” As I passed by her tree, my heart longed to see my sweet Katie climbing that tree at that very moment. I love her visits and the fun we have each time she comes. We always check her tree to see how much it has grown. As Katie grew, she began to climb the tree as we held on to her for safety, but she always wanted to explore on her own. Last year, we built steps for her tree, so now she can safely climb without being held.  Katie has big plans for her tree. She even wants to decorate it for Christmas this year with a star on top! Yes, we will!

As I walk, I feel a sense of peace and serenity. In less than one hour, I walked the entire trail, enjoying God’s handiwork. It dawned on me that each time I walk this path, it is never the same. I see wildflowers, moss growing on trees, and even a squirrel scampering out of my way. I hear birds singing, water flowing over rocks, the wind gently blowing through the trees, and leaves falling as the trees shed their summer foliage. I enjoy visits from my neighbor’s donkey coming to greet me along the way.

Whinny, our horse, met me as I walked back toward the barn. I love her eyes, so time was spent photographing the beautiful, brown orbs that seem to look into your very soul.

With a clear mind, I walked back into my yard and noticed the roses in my garden in full bloom. It’s November! I wasn’t expecting them to bloom this time of the year. Sometimes you just have to step away from your busyness to appreciate the things that are around you, the unexpected pleasures of life.


My heart is at peace; the world seems okay for today. Tomorrow will be another day. I am thankful this day, this moment, for God’s blessings of the sun on my face and the rustling of leaves as the wind blows them across my path.