I AM THANKFUL for the many people God has placed in my life in many places, times, and circumstances.

I am thankful for friends who are…
ENCOURAGERS – you bless my day with your uplifting words.
TRUTH BEARERS – you keep me in line, not afraid to tell the truth even when it hurts.
PRAYER WARRIORS – not just in words, but I know you fall on your face in faith, believing on my behalf.
TRANSPARENT – and in return, you allow me to be transparent with you and it is refreshing.
COMFORTERS – you know how to bring healing and soothe wounded hearts.
PASSIONATE – about what you believe and are not afraid to speak out and let your voice be heard! You inspire me!

I am thankful for the friends I have known all my life (including family!), those I have met later in life, and the friends who are the truest of friends but we have never met face to face.

Friendship is a treasure. Is there any greater gift on this earth?