Ricky Raccoon

Ricky Raccoon

For the last few weeks, we have had a mystery guest in our barn. Each evening at feeding time, we noticed most of the cat food was gone. The heavy rolls of wire placed on top of the feed box did not detour whatever was getting to the food.

Finally, we set the cage trap and caught a raccoon. A very unhappy raccoon I must say! But, before we let him go, he and I became the best of friends (don’t let the growling fool you. He was just scared!). While in the cage, I watched him play with a rubber rope, a small piece of a tree limb,  and then roll over on his back as my cats do. No, I did not rub his belly! I sat on the ground watching him, and we came nose to nose, both curious about the other. Perhaps I was the first real human he had ever interacted with, and I don’t believe I have ever had such a close encounter with a raccoon. The wind was blowing when I took the videos, but I chose to not edit the sounds so you could hear him growling and talking with me!

Now safely back in the woods with his family, I think we are all much happier; me for not being spooked anymore in the barn and he is happy to be out of that cage! He may return, and if he does, at least now we know “who” has been eating the cat food. This winter the barn may be the warmest, safest place for Ricky Raccoon and the rest of his family. And I am okay with that. We will just have to do a better job of securing the food for the cats!