Recipes, Stories & Memories of a Southern Family Heritage

“Sandi Herron is a storyteller who has a unique and rare writing style that takes her readers on a journey to another place and time. The stories included in Harvest remind me of days when I sat on the back porch with my grandmother, shelling purple hull peas on a hot southern day.” Linda P.

Award-winning author, family historian, and lover of baking, Sandi Herron invites you to tie on your apron, cook up some old-fashioned southern comfort food, and enjoy the stories of family that still inspire people today.

250+ RECIPES. There are over 250 recipes included in Harvest, from bread making to delicious desserts and how to cook turnip greens with ham. Scattered throughout the recipes are quotes that will inspire you and put a smile on your face.

Our family stories matter. As you read the stories in this book, you will see how lives are impacted from one generation to the next. Photos are included that help put a face to names mentioned in the recipes or the stories.


for Potholes and Bumps on the Road of Life

Sandi Herron did not wake up one day and decide, “today I will have breast cancer”—it came out of nowhere and stormed into her life unannounced, uninvited.

In PROMISES & PRAYERS, Sandi shares portions of her daily journal written during her journey from diagnosis to surgery, chemo and radiation treatments, and healing. It was not an easy road to travel, but faith and trust in God made it possible to face each day with hope for better tomorrows.

PROMISES & PRAYERS will encourage you when faced with “potholes and bumps” on your road of life. Whatever challenge you encounter, YOU CAN DO IT with courage found in the promises of God’s Word.


Essays and Reflections (Kindle Edition)

by members of the Southern Christian Writers Conference

Christy Bell (Author), Nell Branum (Author), Kristy Ensor (Author), Dottie Gravely (Author), Sandi Herron (Author), Shannon Leach (Author), Joyce McCullough (Author), Anna Nash (Author), Michelle Peterson (Author)

“We entered the back of the crowded sanctuary as quietly as possible, but when the door creaked, heads turned. The guest speaker stopped reading his introductory Scriptures for a moment. People I had not seen in a while turned and gave a quick wave. I waved back. It’s Homecoming, and that’s what you do. And besides, I was proud, wearing my new dress, spiky shoes, and twenty pounds lighter. Too busy waving and not paying attention was my downfall.” Excerpt from Pride Goeth Before a Fall by Sandi Herron in The House That Built Me.

The House that Built Me is an inspiring collection of essays on how our churches have influenced, inspired, and changed us.

This collection is written by members of the Southern Christian Writers Conference.

In the Garden: Reflections on the Joy of Nature

In the Garden: Reflections on the Joy of Nature

Essays and Reflections (Paperback and Kindle Edition)

by members of the Southern Christian Writers Conference

Includes the work of authors Karen O. Allen, Grace Booth, Theresa Cates, MIke Chitwood, Leigh DeLozier, Kristy Ensor, Paige Hamilton, Melissa Hanberry, Melissa Henderson, Jim L. Hickman, Sandi Herron, Shannon LaPointe, Laura Lee Leathers, Tera Lee, Linda Lyle, Jamie McGlaughn, Joy McPherson, G. R. Smith, Gail Stevens, Bree Thompson, and Jan White.

In the Garden: Reflections on the Joy of Nature is a collection of 21 essays, stories, and poems on the beauty of and inspiration of God’s creation written by members of the Southern Christian Writers Conference.

For autographed copies signed by Sandi Herron, please send your request to books@sandiherrondotcom.

Mother: What My Mother Taught Me About Life, Love, and Faith

Mother: What My Mother Taught Me About Life, Love, and Faith

by members of Christian Writers for Life

Includes the work of 61 authors who share their most intimate stories, lessons, and reflections about the women who shaped them into who they are today.

The shaping of a soul often begins with the loving hands of a mother.

Mother: What My Mother Taught Me About Life, Love, & Faith unfolds a timeless tapestry of love, wisdom, and faith weaved by the precious women who’ve helped shape our paths.

This collection is written by members of the Facebook group, Christian Writers for Life.


An interactive Bible study for women

Available on Amazon

October 2024

Digging into God’s Word is an interactive twelve-week women’s study designed for individuals or small groups. Lessons focus on knowing the Word of God and effectively applying it to our daily lives. As we dig deep into God’s Word, we see the parallel between gardening and growing in our walk with the Lord. Each lesson provides the spiritual application of gardening and takes participants on a journey of life stories from the Old to the New Testament. Included are helpful articles on journaling, Scripture memorization techniques, and applying His Word to everyday living. The garden has unending lessons that, when coupled with spiritual truths, will help us grow in our spiritual garden!


Available on Amazon

November 2024

Meet some charming and witty characters from Life in the Garden at Spring Meadows, each with a unique personality and a story to tell.

“I thought you were finished blooming,” Chicky Chickweed spits her words as she glares at the beautiful flowers around her. “After all, you’ve had a hot, dry summer. Ready to give it up?”

Zinny Zinia and her friends shake their little flower heads, “No! We are not finished yet!”

Chicky replied, “Ditto! Neither are we!” At her words, all the weeds laugh as they shake their stalks and scatter seeds through the air in all directions.

Penny Petunia winced as the seeds fell over her beautiful purple blooms. “Oh, no! More weeds will grow, crowd my space, and hide my beauty. I cannot survive the weeds!”

Zinny glanced at Penny, and in a tender voice reassured her, “You will survive. There is more for us to do, Penny. Don’t listen to those intruding weeds. They will soon be uprooted and gone!”

Watch for updates in the coming months as we introduce more of the residents of the Gardens of Spring Meadows!


Do You See What I See?

Do You See What I See?

from Genesis to Revelation, our need for a Savior

Available on Amazon

December 2024

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible consistently reveals humanity’s need for a savior and God’s provision of that savior in Jesus Christ. This overarching narrative demonstrates God’s redemptive plan for humanity, culminating in the ultimate restoration and eternal fellowship with Him.

In this inspiring devotional, readers are encouraged to find hope by focusing on the truths God has given us in His Word. Throughout the Old Testament, the narratives and figures foreshadow Jesus. In the New Testament, we see the promises revealed. Jesus is our hope.

This is the perfect book for small groups leading up to the holidays, both Christmas and Easter.

Heart Lifters. Stories of Gratitude, Grace, & Faith

HeartLifters: Stories of Gratitude, Grace, & Faith

Available on Amazon

February 2025

A collection of stories from gifted story-telling authors that will inspire and encourage you. 

Compiled and edited by Sandi Herron.

Don’t miss out on ‘HeartLifters,’ a collection of stories that will uplift and inspire you. Join Sandi Herron, an award-winning author, speaker, and storyteller, as she takes you on a journey filled with gratitude, grace, and faith. 

Join our mailing list to receive updates and notifications of upcoming book releases.


Sandi Herron

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, & Storyteller

Born in Mississippi, raised in Alabama, Sandi Herron grew up with strong family roots. Living in the rural area of Mississippi and later Alabama, her life was surrounded by family that included aunts, uncles, and cousins. Sunday dinners, sweet tea, cornbread, banana pudding, handmade quilts, and fishing in the creek define her childhood. Today, she and her husband live in Chelsea, Alabama, and her days are filled with gardening, baking, and enjoying time with her husband relaxing on the porch, or gathering vegetables from their market garden.

Writing has always been a part of her life since early childhood, weaving words that paint a picture of simple days and things that matter.


I find so much comfort in this book, Harvest.  I cannot wait to make the recipes for my own family. I really hope that Sandi considers writing a second book filled with even more stories and recipes that she is willing to share.

– Peggy C.


In the book, Harvest, Sandi Crumpton Herron masterfully blends delicious-sounding recipes and family narratives in such a way you seem to be transported to a different time and place! More than your average cookbook Harvest is well arranged with a special main ingredient index along with your typical index. I don’t consider myself to be a great cook but I may become one after trying some of these recipes!

– Jodi L.


Harvest is such a special book. All the family recipes and the stories associated with them. Brings back memories of my own family recipes and how we pass them on from generation to generation!! 

– Donna S.

Contact Sandi Herron to schedule an event.
