Here We Grow!

Here We Grow!

The seedlings are growing and we are looking forward to a bountiful harvest this summer. Some of the baby seedlings have moved from the nursery to the next step up—larger pots. It’s fun to watch them grow.

Cinnamon Toast and Childhood Memories

Cinnamon Toast and Childhood Memories

Baked Cinnamon Toast brings back memories of my childhood days. We wasted nothing at our house, so when a loaf of bread was too dry for sandwiches, Mama used the dry bread to make French toast or cinnamon toast instead of biscuits. It was always a treat!

Do It Anyway

Do It Anyway

“Do It Anyway,” initially titled The Paradoxical Commandments, has several variants from the original. The most notable version is “Do It Anyway” by Mother Teresa of Calcutta. I often refer to it as “Do Good Anyway!”

She Remembered

She Remembered

My friend stopped by for a visit. As we sat on my porch, we caught up on life and shared our stories about how faithful God is and how we can always trust His perfect plans even if we can’t see where He is leading.