The Circle of Life

The Circle of Life

I gave up my bacon this morning for a little bird in a distressful situation! One of my cats (Hershey) caught a Eastern Bluebird, and as I walked out my door, I heard its screech for help. I immediately went to its rescue. It was no easy task. Hershey did not want to...
Distraction or Inspiration?

Distraction or Inspiration?

In the springtime, I work from my “porch office.” Then, as the heat and humidity of summertime in the deep south arrives, I work from my “den office.”   Often while working, I see birds of many species feasting at the...
The Accuser

The Accuser

Use care with our words…they give strong evidence of your character and what is in your heart.

Sweet Sounds (of trains)

Sweet Sounds (of trains)

There is something comforting about the sound of the train as it travels through our small town. Maybe because it is one thing that is always constant. It is good to have some things that never change. Each night while falling asleep, I hear the whistle blowing in the...

Make It Your Goal…

“Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. Then people who are not Christians will respect the way you live, and you will not need to depend on others.” I Thessalonians...