Living a Life of Thanksgiving | Life at Spring Meadows
She was a member of our wedding party as a Junior Bridesmaid. But long before that, she was part of my life, my family. Our mothers were sisters. Through the years, we shared many family get-togethers, meals, and fun times making memories. She was my cousin, my friend, confidant, and at times, the one who laughed with me when no one else saw the humor. Her name is Theresa Ledbetter Barrett and in December of 2015, she left this world for higher ground, a place where she no longer faced pain and challenges with health.

Theresa, my cousin, was part of our wedding party as a Junior Bridesmaid.
For many years she suffered from illnesses that included fibromyalgia, lung cancer, degenerative disc disease, and a number of other health issues. In June of 2015, she saw a neurologist, and after the visit, she received devastating news. She had a lesion on her spine that had metastasized. The neurologist referred her to an oncologist. However, the oncologist sent her to another specialist for the spine who recommended a spine block. After three weeks, blood clots developed. Then, a liver biopsy confirmed that she had cancer. After radiation treatments, the pulmonary doctor told her she was not getting enough oxygen and needed to be on a ventilator in ICU. Instead, even though she struggled with breathing, she chose to be at home with her family. She never used a ventilator. Home and family always took priority in her life.
Beginning in September, Theresa’s mom stayed with her night and day during the week, only returning to her home on weekends when Theresa’s husband was off from work. Theresa suffered from tremendous pain; however, it did not stop her. If you met her just months before her passing, you would not have known the depth of her declining health. She was optimistic, a giver, a lover of life, and a servant of God.
In my early years of marriage while learning to cook, Theresa taught me how to test the doneness of spaghetti noodles by throwing a noodle against the wall. If it sticks to the wall, it is ready to eat. If it slides down the wall, the noodles need to cook longer. That was in 1978, and to this day I cannot cook spaghetti noodles without thinking of her, and yes, ever so often, I still throw a noodle against the wall just for old times’ sake. (If you are not familiar with the phrase “old times’ sake,” it means to do something in memory of former times; in acknowledgment of a shared past. Source: Oxford Dictionary). For those who say the myth of the noodle on the wall for testing doneness has been debunked, I am fully aware. But some things you do just because you can. It is with complete abandon and a sense of freedom, I enjoy throwing that noodle and giggle to myself each time I watch the noodle slide down or in some cases, stick to the wall!

Theresa holding our daughter Bri who is performing the “nose snort” that Theresa taught her during a weekend while we were away!
When our daughter was born, Theresa helped take care of her during the summer months while I worked. One weekend, she and my mom were our babysitters while we were away on a trip. Theresa spent the weekend teaching our one-year-old how to turn up her nose while making an awful snorting sound!
It took months to reverse what Theresa had taught her in just one weekend. It was cute, made us all laugh, but not so funny when our daughter put on a show with her new talent during Sunday morning worship services at our church! The truth is we still laughed even though it disturbed the worship service! You could hear the snickers throughout the congregation!
The Miracle of Trust and God’s Grace

In 2004, Theresa married Dalton Barrett, and their story is one of grace, love, and God’s miraculous intervention when we place our trust in Him. Some people live a lifetime and never find love; some, like Theresa and Dalton, find love that last beyond a lifetime.
Together, they became a blended family of six. Including Theresa’s three sons, twins age 17 and a 13-year-old, and Dalton’s young son age 4, she was now the mother of four boys. Theresa loved each of them with an unconditional love that had no barriers or limitations. It was pure love given from the heart of a mother.
A Handwritten Note
A few months after Theresa passed away, my aunt sent me a handwritten article written by Theresa. I asked permission to share it with all of you. My aunt agreed and felt that Theresa would want her article to be a source of encouragement to someone going through a struggle.
Theresa’s faith was strong throughout her life journey, even with health issues, and she never doubted that God was in control of every detail of her life. This article written by her is a declaration of the way she lived – a life with complete trust in God.
We need God more than we need to be rescued. We need to draw closer to Him in our storm than to be taken out of the storm. – Theresa Barrett
Life is Never as We Expect It, But It’s What We Make It
by Theresa Ledbetter Barrett
Sometimes I have wondered why we have to face so much sorrow in this world. Our sorrows often multiply, our disappointments increase and our hearts are heavy. Perhaps this life is not the one we would have chosen. Oh, yes, we would choose ease over growth and riches over courage.
How can anyone live with all the hardships of this life? I have struggled to find out how, and then always come up with the same answer: Trust God! Put your whole hand in His, not just one finger or two. Get to know the feel of your hand in His. This [life of complete trust] is the only way we can truly live.
Martha Washington said, “The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not our circumstances.” There’s a great deal of truth in her statement.
Sometimes we expect God to rescue us, to make our troubles stop and go away, [and] to make our lives what we want them to be. But the truth is we need God more than we need to be rescued. We need to draw closer to Him in our storm than to be taken out of the storm.
Written by Theresa Ledbetter Barrett, Fall of 2015. Used by Permission.
Theresa’s Pumpkin Bars
There are not many things that define the season of Fall more than pumpkins! In November 2006, Theresa sent me her recipe for Pumpkin Bars. It is one of my favorite recipes and what a perfect opportunity to share her recipe with all of you in combination with her article. Visit our
Recipe section for the ingredients and directions for
Theresa’s Pumpkin Bars. Bake up a batch and enjoy this delicious treat with a cup of hot coffee on one of these cool autumn mornings!
Wonderful tribute to your courageous cousin. I believe God allows those who have gone before to look down from heaven, sometimes, and see special things here on earth. Theresa is surely pleased with your story about her. What a beautiful person she was, inside and out. Loved Cindy’s comment, “If He had rescued me every time I was in a mess, I would not know God as I do today.” My sentiments precisely!
Lovely story. I didn’t know Theresa but I feel like I missed knowing a lovely person.
Wonderful story of a woman of courage who knew God in a most intimate way. I loved how she wrote about God helping us in the storm and not taking us out of the storm. I learned my Faith in the Storms. If He had rescued me every time I was in a mess I would not know God as I do today. Thank you for sharing her heart❤Amazing Woman
What an amazing story of faith! Thank you for sharing. I will make those pumpkin bars and when I share them with my family, I will tell them her story!
How beautiful I wish that I could have known her Sandi. I know there are so many more stories you could tell about her. Her memory will go on forever because of the memories you have of her. Love you
A beautiful tribute to a beautiful life. Blessings as you remember her during this season.
Sandi, this was such a beautiful tribute to your cousin! She’s truly an inspiration for all of us. ❤️ to you and your family.
I am so inspired reading this and the fact that her faith stayed strong. Thank you for sharing! It will be a story I will come back to time and again. I know people who are struggling and will be encouraged when they read this. I really enjoy the articles you write about life, the recipes you share, and your beautiful photography.
An encouraging story of trust. Thank you adding some humor with the part about the nose snort! This is a must share to encourage all of us to trust and not have fear.
Beautiful story of faith. Thank you for sharing and encouraging others. I will be trying the recipe for the pumpkin bars. They look great!
This article meant so much to me and I want to thank you for sharing. I am so sad that your cousin passed away but telling her story about her trust and faith will always encourage others. This is something that I will share with others who are going through struggles. Thank you and blessings to your family.