Open Your Eyes and Trust Me—Lessons Learned in the Storms of Life

Years ago, my husband and I enjoyed traveling and camping in our RV. Most of the roads we traveled were interstates, but there were times our route took us along country back roads. I enjoyed the scenery, but I would get a little anxious on narrow, curvy roads while towing a loaded 37-foot 5th-wheel. It is not easy to stop if someone pulled out in front of us; on two-lane roads, the option of changing lanes or moving out of the way was limited. My husband often said, “Read your book,” which meant for me to read, relax, and trust him to get us where we were going.
We often traveled with our camper from Chelsea to South Alabama. One stormy afternoon, part of our route was on a two-lane road that was not only narrow and curvy but also hilly which prevented other cars from being able to see us. Cars were pulling out in front of us more than usual. The wet pavement added to the danger.
My husband is an excellent driver, aware of what is happening in front and watching the rear, but we both know that things can happen in a split second. At times, the best of drivers cannot prevent a disastrous situation. I was nervous. Anytime we travel and I am anxious about traffic or weather, my husband will tell me, “Read your book,” knowing when I focus on reading, it takes my mind off the situation around me. On this day however, before he could say anything, I already had my eyes closed, taking deep breaths as I prayed not only our safety but that of others on the road. As I prayed, I relaxed, and a peaceful feeling covered me like fresh summer rain, saturating every part of my soul. At that moment, I felt God speak the words to my heart, saying “Open your eyes and trust me.” When I opened my eyes, the beauty I saw left me speechless. Spread before me was the most vivid sky, with colors of yellow, orange, pink, purple, and hues of blue. God’s handiwork. I’m so glad I didn’t miss it.
We pulled over to the side of the road as I grabbed my camera and did my best to capture the moment. Looking back, I realize there is no camera that can capture the message God imprinted on my heart that day, “Open your eyes and Trust Me.” The picture you see here was one of many photos I took until the sky cleared.
Sometimes that’s the way life is. Through tough times, we just want to close our eyes and wish for it to be over. But in doing so, we miss some of the most incredible things God wants to show us. I never forgot that day long ago.
Recently, we had a visitor stop by our home to pick up daylilies and during our conversation, I learned that we both have been through a cancer journey. She asked me what God taught me during that time of my life. I responded, “He taught me that it’s not about me, but by going through this, I can help others. And also, He taught me to trust His plans.”
Standing in the driveway with my new friend, in my mind, I went back to the day God told me to open my eyes and trust Him. The image of that beautiful sky is still vivid today.
Open Your Eyes and Trust Me
Since that stormy day, God has often asked me to open my eyes and TRUST HIM when facing the storms of life and struggling with an anxious heart. When my son deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, the deaths of my mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, and two of my brothers all within a short time of one another, and then the cancer journey, God asked me to open my eyes and trust Him. He didn’t say, “Open your eyes and trust Me if…” or “Open your eyes and trust Me when…” It is a simple statement, “Open your eyes and trust Me,” with a period at the end; no question mark, no if or when!
If you are going through tough times, I encourage you to open your eyes and trust Him. He will carry you through the storm and show you beautiful truths. Don’t miss it.
I love the story of King Hezekiah. What a lesson of trust for all of us. He chose to listen to God. Read his story in 2 Chronicles 32.
Our God is the same for us today as He was for Hezekiah. He never changes. God’s ways are not our ways. God has shown many times in life that my plans are weak, but His plans are always perfect and on time.
God wants us to TRUST Him. Daniel 6:23 “The king was overjoyed and ordered that Daniel be lifted from the den. Not a scratch was found on him, for he had trusted in his God.”
God desires for us to PRAY. Psalm 34:17 “The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles”
God calls us to BELIEVE. Mark 5:36 “But Jesus overheard them and said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith.”
When we face challenging times, God is there. He is in the middle of the fire. He is leading the way over rocky terrain. He is lifting us out of despair. Whatever we face, we can trust Him.
Show me Your Ways, Lord, Teach Me to Trust in You
Early in life, I learned the Scripture, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not unto your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).
Show me your ways, Lord, teach me how to trust. Is this the cry of your heart? Let’s take the principles we learn from Hezekiah and apply them to lives.
1. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. How did Hezekiah do this? Hezekiah remained faithful. 2 Kings 18:6-7, “He remained faithful to the Lord in everything, and he carefully obeyed all the commands the Lord had given Moses. So the Lord was with him, and Hezekiah was successful in everything he did. He revolted against the king of Assyria and refused to pay him tribute.”
2. Lean not unto your own understanding. Hezekiah waited on words from the Lord. Our culture is in information overload. We have advice and opinions coming at us from every direction with good intentions but too often are self-centered or self-serving and comes from limited knowledge. When King Sennacherib of Assyria threatened Hezekiah, Hezekiah prayed, then waited on words of the Lord that came from the prophet Isaiah. Before we seek counsel from friends, or the internet, pray and wait on a response from our all-knowing God!
My prayer is that I respond like Hezekiah and place my challenging storms of life at the foot of the cross as I “open my eyes and trust Him.”
Will you be a Hezekiah? Then, remain faithful and wait on the Lord to show you His plan and purpose in everything you do. Trust in God’s unchanging Hand!
Let’s Pray
Lord, show us Your ways and help us to trust in Your perfect plans. In Jesus Name, amen.
Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the Lord hears my voice.
Psalm 55:17
Worship as you listen to Lauren Daigle, Trust in You
Discover more from Sandi Herron - Life at Spring Meadows
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