Mother: What My Mother Taught Me About Life, Love and Faith

(Paperback and Kindle Edition)

by members of the Christian Writers for Life Facebook group

Includes the work of 61 authors who share their most intimate stories, lessons, and reflections about the women who shaped them into who they are today.

Mother: What My Mother Taught Me About Life, Love, & Faith unfolds a timeless tapestry of love, wisdom, and faith weaved by the precious women who’ve helped shape our paths.

Excerpt from Mother: What My Mother Taught Me About Life, Love, & Faith

Whenever I feel lost or discouraged, I hear the words she instilled in me years ago. “Remember who you are and to whom you belong. Never forget your way back home. Keep a dime in your purse so you can call home. And there is always a seat at my table for you.”

Remember Who You Are and To Whom You Belong by Sandi Herron in Mother.

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