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Our American Hero

Our American Hero

Following is a poem by a very special lady, Ethel Lanier. Thank you, Ethel, for sharing your poem with us. It expresses so much of how we need to have faith in God when all around us says to give up and forget who we are and who we have been. God Bless America and...

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Ecclesiastes 9:10 - Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom. While cleaning my office one day, I found this article about hands. It reminds me of how I felt when I held my mom's hands as she lay...

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What Really Matters

Over the last several days, I  spent valuable time with my family. First, I spent the morning with my youngest grandbaby, and then in the early afternoon, her sister, my oldest grandchild, arrived home from preschool. Together the three of us had a fun and interesting...

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Words of a Friend

Words of a Friend

In my devotional this morning, I was reading John 15:13. Today my thoughts are about Friendship and this goes right along with being a True Friend as well as just being the person that God intended us to be. When our words are...

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On Being a Friend…

Copied from Being a good friend is about being reliable, kind hearted and thoughtful. If you're willing to be there through the hard times, stand up for your friend and to share your thoughts and cares with a friend, then you'll...

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