Harvest: Recipes, Stories, & Memories of a Southern Family Heritage

Award-winning author, family historian, and lover of baking, Sandi Herron invites you to tie on your apron, cook up some old-fashioned southern comfort food, and enjoy the stories of family that still inspire people today.

250+ RECIPES. Harvest includes over 250 recipes, from bread making to delicious desserts and how to cook turnip greens with ham. Scattered throughout the recipes are quotes that will inspire you and put a smile on your face.

Our family stories matter. As you read the stories in this book, you will see how lives are impacted from one generation to the next. Photos are included that help put a face to names mentioned in the recipes or the stories.

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Excerpts from Harvest: Recipes, Stories & Memories of a Southern Family Heritage

“When we drove up to the front of our house, I noticed smoke coming from the chimney. Lights were on inside the house, and the lamp, shining in the window, cast a soft glow. As we stepped out of the car, the front door opened. Mr. Headrick stepped out to greet us. When I saw him standing there, I felt that my world would be okay on this sad, rainy, and cold day.” ~ A Christmas Gift of Love

“In the silence that followed, we continued to shell peas. Finally, Daddy spoke. His words left an indelible mark on each of us: ‘Never hesitate to give to people, but it is also good to work for what you get.’” ~ More Peas, Please

“Do I always do things by taking the “short, even spaced stitches” in life? No, but when life gets overwhelmingly busy, I hear Mamaw’s voice, reminding me I can accomplish anything I want if I slow down and focus. While working on a patchwork quilt, she taught me to take life’s challenges with small, even stitches. It was a promise she made. She was right.” ~ Patchwork and Promises. Threads that Connect


Very great recipes, I have already used some of them, I loved the pictures and quotes sprinkled throughout the book.
My favorite part of this book is how her stories take me back into a time much simpler and sweeter. Reading the story about learning to quilt and smelling chocolate pie, makes me want to look up her recipe for the chocolate pie and bake that pie today! ~ Carol Willoughby

I find so much comfort in this book and I cannot wait to make the recipes for my own family. I really hope that Sandi considers writing a second book filled with even more stories and recipes that she is willing to share. ~ Peggy C.

Love the rich heritage, recipes, and stories Sandi shares with us in this heartwarming read. Sandi inspires love of family and deep devotion to God, her roots and things that matter. Her southern recipes are a delight! ~ Amazon Customer

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Our stories matter. Keep sharing.