Cinnamon Coffee | Mornings at Spring Meadows
Start Your Day with Cinnamon (Coffee)
Hot Cinnamon Coffee is a great way to start off your day, relax in the mid-afternoon, or even late evening. Not too sweet and we enjoy the mixed flavors of the cinnamon and honey plus the amazing aroma as well!
Benefits of Cinnamon
There is inconclusive evidence but some people include cinnamon in their daily diets for its possible treatment of diabetes, inflammation, as well as its antioxidant properties. A great article that gives details on studies done to determine health benefits of cinnamon is available on WebMD.
We use cinnamon in our daily diet for smoothies, hot drinks, and sprinkled over toast just because we like the taste. We also use it for its possible natural health benefits.
Hot Cinnamon Coffee
1 1/2 cups hot coffee
1 tsp. honey
1/4 cup light cream
1/8 tsp. ground cinnamon
Optional: Confectioners’ sugar for sprinkling and whipped topping
Combine all ingredients in a mug, stirring well to dissolve the honey.
Serve hot. Just before serving, add a dollop of whipped cream and sprinkle with confectioner sugar.

Cinnamon Coffee | Mornings at Spring Meadows
Enjoy on a cold winter day!
You might also check out our Hot Chocolate that we enjoy on cold late afternoons.

Hot Chocolate Mix
And now that we are at the end of this article, our Callie wants to know if anyone would mind if she goes back to bed! 5am came early!

Hot Cinnamon Coffee | Mornings at Spring Meadows
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Sandi, your article and photos made me smile. Thank you for sharing.
God bless you with many more inspirational moments to enjoy!!
Thank you Tina. The coffee is good, so if you are a coffee and cinnamon lover, you will enjoy it. It is not a sweet coffee, so you may need to add sugar to your taste. Glad you liked the photos! I always have my camera ready for those “special” moments!