CHRISTMAS MEMORIES. Ten years ago, I wrote the following in my journal:
“December has been very interesting so far. Fell down the stairs, almost burned the kitchen down, and last night, lost a horse. At least I didn’t break any bones when I fell down the stairs, the kitchen survived and left with just a little smell of smoke in the house, and found the horse visiting a neighbor. And now I just saw Bear and Callie running across the yard with a string of Christmas lights. Life is good, interesting, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
I still remember the incidents from December 2014 in full color. I’m glad I survived and can look back with laughter.
Isn’t that the way life is or should be? Making the best of where we are? Most things we go through or experience are temporary. Some are not. Some are heart wrenching and others are heart warming. But our response to what we are going through makes the difference not only for us but for family, friends, and those with whom we cross paths in life.
And one thing is for certain—we are left with memories.
Not only do I remember falling down the stairs, almost burning the kitchen down, and losing a horse, I have many other memories from way back when, long before 2014.
These pictures of Christmas morning when I was a little girl make me smile big and bring back countless memories.
A picture tells so much. When I zoomed in, I noticed icicles on the window panes.
Do you see the television in the picture. Black and white. That’s all we knew.
The table in the corner? I’ve kept it through the years and it’s in my home today. And there is a Bible on the table. Always and still today.
The tree came from the woods behind our house. An ordinary long needle pine adorned with simple decorations, big lights, icicle tinsel, foil rope garland and a homemade star on top, became part of my cherished Christmas memories.
My momma let us decorate the tree anyway we wanted and she never went back later to “fix” our decorating ideas.
There were very few gifts beneath the tree. Sometimes, when there is “too much” we are left with “very few” memories. The table with the chairs and the doll I vividly remember. I named the doll Susie.
One picture shows my brother Tom with his guitar and my brother Jim with his first BB gun. The tricycle was for my brother, Danny. Somehow Santa knew exactly what we all wanted. He even brought us items we needed, including apples, oranges, and coconuts.
Today, many years later, I look at the picture and I am reminded of what my parents must have sacrificed so my brothers and I would have the Christmas we dreamed about.
There is something about Christmas that helps us remember what is important. Faith, family, friends, and hope for the future. When we focus on those things, we create memories that warm our hearts through the years and will last a lifetime. Mine do.
Have y’all ever heard me say, “Your stories matter?” They do. One of the reason they matter is because often our stories remind others of their stories.
Father, thank You for memories, good and maybe not so good. Each memory serves as a life lesson You use to show us how to live our lives to help others. Let us never forget what Christmas is all about; Jesus, the greatest gift ever given. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Sing a Song about Christmas
Sing along with Matthew West “We Need Christmas.”
We need Christmas
Now more than ever to bring us together
We need Christmas
Come on December help us remember
The joy, the peace and the hope that love can bring
Oh, we need Christmas.
Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests” Luke 2:14 (niv).
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