Homeward Bound
During times of homesickness, I often think of an old hound dog named Renny, our family pet when I was a little girl, and a lesson he taught that has stayed with me throughout life.
During times of homesickness, I often think of an old hound dog named Renny, our family pet when I was a little girl, and a lesson he taught that has stayed with me throughout life.
On a hot summer day, as I sat in my office with my granddaughter creating works of art, my mind was changed forever about Oreo cookies…
I learned much about my ancestors through my grandparents as I listened to the stories they told…
It’s September 2018 and I am on a journey through cancer. My mama taught me how to do the tough things in life. She taught by example to place my faith in God, not in the things (or people) of this world.
Today, as I look out my window, I see paperwhites blooming along the Oak Trail Garden. I almost miss them every year as they bloom in the middle of January. They are so delicate and beautiful. They remind me of hope,…
Many years ago, each weekday around 3 pm I was most likely in my kitchen baking peanut butter cookies or making popcorn. The purpose was to make memories for my kids…
It was a perfect day with a little nip in the air and a gentle breeze. At age eighteen, life is exactly as I want—secure and carefree. But in just a few hours, life would change forever.
The damaged tree and the run-down fence were quite the pair. Both had seen their better days, but I saw beauty and a story to be told.