Flowers, Life Notes, Nature, Nature Walks
Morning Walks Through the Woods – We take the well-worn path that Winnie has made throughout the 17 years that she has been a part of our family. The path takes us by a field of wildflowers. There is a gentle breeze blowing, and the flowers are swaying back and forth, creating a sea of purple, yellow, red, and white on a backdrop of green and gold grasses.
Daylily, Flowers, GARDENING, Perrenials
It is a daylily kind of day at Spring Meadows from May through August. Beautiful daylilies greet us each day on our walks through the gardens. We have over 20 different daylily plants, each unique and beautiful. Some will…
Flowers, GARDENING, Perrenials
Garden Magic ( a poem by Marie Nettleton Carroll
This is the garden’s magic,
That through the sunny hours
The gardener who tends it, Himself outgrows his flowers…
Flowers, Flowers and Gardens, Garden Art, GARDENING, Life Notes, PHOTOGRAPHY
One of my favorite and most relaxing times is spent in the gardens, walking down the pathways in the early morning hours. The sun is barely up as I begin; dampness from the night still lingers in the air. The leaves of trees and flowers glisten with morning dew. Even though I took the same walk late the evening before, I always find something new along the paths. A beautiful flower may be blooming today, and only today. If I had chosen to not take the walk, I would have missed it!