Flowers, GARDENING, Life Notes, Stories
“Hope, like the daffodils, is always ready to return. You just have to believe it will.” I whispered the words in the silence, took a deep breath, as I stood looking out my window early this morning, remembering many years ago, sitting at the breakfast table with my mother, looking out the same window when she asked if she would see the flowers bloom in spring.
Flowers, GARDENING, Life Notes, Stories
The Story of Flowers. The stories that flowers tell in gardens are timeless and poetic, each bloom holding a narrative of its own.
Birds and Butterflies, Flowers, GARDENING, Life Notes, READING CORNER, Sunflowers
Early this morning, I watched as yellow finches feasted at my garden of sunflowers. An entire flock of the yellow feathered friends gathered, chirping with one another while they enjoyed their lunch. It was a beautiful sight. Not so pretty after they finished, but...
Flowers, GARDENING, Life Notes
A beautiful surprise in the garden today is this little bunch of daffodils. Growing in a cluster of five flowers per plant, the flowers are fragrant and only about 3/4-inch from flower tip to flower tip across.
Flowers, GARDENING, Life Notes, Scripture for Today
This yellow rose is a reminder to me that God has the perfect plan and timing! At just the right time, He responds. Not too early, and never late. God is faithful in all the details of our life!
Flowers, GARDENING, Perrenials
A beautiful and unusual perennial plant for your garden. Adds interest to your garden with its 24 to 36-inch flower spikes.
Birds and Butterflies, Flowers, GARDENING, Perrenials, Shrubs and Such
Spring is the time of the year where everything is budding and blooming at a rapid pace! I never know what I will find from one day to the next!
DailyInspire, Flowers, Life Notes
In life, as in photography, we develop some of our most treasured friendships when we are willing to get “up close and personal” with others and build relationships that are more than just a casual encounter. Are you willing to take the risk?
Flowers, Garden Pollinators, Nature, Videos, Videos of Nature
A short video of a carpenter bee at work in the coneflower garden. He is harvesting the nectar and pollen. Close up view of the body, head, and legs helps find the difference between the carpenter bee and the bumble bee. My granddaughter named this carpenter bee “BeeWinkle!”