“Our promise from God is that He will respond in His perfect time to whatever our needs are in life and His answer is always based on His plan and purpose.”

As a gardener, each year, throughout the four seasons, I am eager to see buds on the branches and flowers sprouting from the ground. As I walked through the gardens early this morning, hoping to see signs of emerging plants, I remembered being anxious a few years ago for my roses to bloom and the gardens to come alive according to my timetable and plans.
It was 2017. I was impatient for my flowers to bloom. An event was coming, a big one—our son’s wedding, and I wanted the gardens to be a beautiful show of colors for this once in a lifetime occasion. My daily garden walks felt like listening to the soil rumble as roots grew deeper, leaves ever greener. The stems were full of buds, but no flowers.
I learned a lesson that year about patience and God’s perfect timing. If it happened my way, the flowers would have bloomed too early. But three days before the wedding, the rose bushes were full of beautiful yellow blooms. The timing was perfect. I took a lot of photos so I would never forget.
2 Corinthians 6:2 tells us, “For God says, ‘At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.’”
The yellow rose is a reminder for me to remember that God has the perfect plan, and at just the right time, He responds. Not too early and never late.
It seems I am always a student in the classroom of life, learning to wait on Him. Not always patient, but I try. He knows my heart. Since 2017, I’ve had many times of waiting for God to respond to the cries of my heart. And He has always responded at just the right time.
God is faithful in all the details of our life. He never forgets, and His care and plans for us are always far beyond anything we imagine.
Isaiah 49:1-7 tells us of the promises of Israel’s restoration and their liberation from Babylonian exile. God promised to reestablish the homeland and free those in the bondage of oppression. As their Shepherd, the pastures will provide perfect grazing land, and there will be springs of fresh water for the thirsty flock. But the most powerful message in Isaiah 49 is “God’s promise to bring His children home.” He always fulfills His promise!
Our promise from God is that He will respond in His perfect time to whatever our needs are in life. His answer is always based on His plan and purpose. He is our hope and at just the right time, God will respond to you. He will bring you “home.” Home can mean a lot of things.
When God speaks in response to our prayers, it is time for us to listen. We listen based on the character of God, with a mindset of kingdom-thinking. The best way to do that is to saturate our minds in His Word daily. When we study the promises He gives in Scripture, our prayers are based on His Word.
We serve a limitless God who has no boundaries.
The roses made beautiful bouquets at the rehearsal dinner for my son’s wedding. But to me they were more than just roses—they were a sign of the promise of God that He will always respond at just the right time!
What are you praying for today? God will respond to you at just the right time.
Let’s Pray
Lord, show us that Your ways and timing are perfect. You are always on time. In Jesus Name, amen.
“This is what the Lord says: ‘At just the right time, I will respond to you. On the day of salvation, I will help you. I will protect you and give you to the people as my covenant with them. Through you, I will reestablish the land of Israel and assign it to its own people again.’ ” Isaiah 49:8
Worship as you listen to Always on Time.
Discover more from Sandi Herron - Life at Spring Meadows
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I love this story Sandi. God’s timing is always so much better than ours. What a beautiful illustration of this fact. I’ll bet those roses were beautiful!
Keep pressing on.
What can I say but this story is perfect timing for me. I needed this today, a reminder that God has not forgotten and He does hear the cries of my heart for my family. Thank you. God bless you!